Reads, Rants, and News
10 Critical Moments You Need a Story to Do the Heavy Lifting in Your Career
As the author of your story, you get to reframe those self-sabotaging stories so that you can control your narrative and tell new stories that connect people to you and communicate your value, your expertise, your leadership, and your brand promise.
7 Reasons Why You Need to Control Your Career Narrative and Get Your Stories Down
If you have a “what’s in it for them” approach to answering questions like, “why do you want this job?” or “why do you think you’re a right fit for this project?” you aren’t bragging, you’re solving a problem.
If You Want to Amp Up Your Career Story You Have to Slow Down at Warp Speed
Here it is: A masterclass workbook set of questions to use as your companion for getting over the stay-or-go career hump at warp speed.
Don't Bore Your Audience by Always Playing the Heroine
People are dying to hear how your foibles became your teacher, or how your missteps transformed into superpowers.
What Does it Mean to Be Unapologetically You?
Maybe you’ve noticed this trend in the news, social media, and workplace: that it’s time for us to stop conforming to the dominant culture (read “white, male”) and get the culture to conform to us. Well, part of not conforming is not apologizing for who and what we are. So how do we do that?
The Story of You in 2020
“So how did you end up at XYZ company?” and you make your way through that story. And then she asks you, “What experiences in life built you into the human being you are today?”
The Birth Story of Story Happens Here
Bottom line, it’s all about you, your career story, controlling your narrative, and rising up.
The Inclusionomics Podcast: Black, White, and Lots of Grey
Our lively and timely conversations are all about powering up people who are on the edge. The edge of action, the edge of complicity, the edge of giving up. And we offer them the fuel to get clear, get heard, get included, and take action to make a positive impact in this world.
Ack, the Dreaded "Tell Me About Yourself" Question
How to Nail the Staple Interview Question in Five Steps.
My Dark and Stormy #MeToo Night
With no disrespect to the Dalai Lama, we don’t need dudes to tell us this is The Century of the Woman. In this #MeToo era, we’re living it. Forward. Backwards. Upside down. Inside out. The lived experiences of women in every corner of the planet are a mouse click away, and even where there is no mouse click available, our stories are being told and formed into positive action and change.
Don't Let Implicit Bias Bully You Into Silence
On Twitter last week an acquaintance asked, “What's the point of women become better communicators, stronger negotiators if [these micro-inequities] are still bullying us silent?”
Up, Sideways or Out: Slow Down to Speed Up Your Career Change
High performing clients at Story Happens Here come in the door wanting to make a change: Up, Sideways or Out.