Reads, Rants, and News
10 Critical Moments You Need a Story to Do the Heavy Lifting in Your Career
As the author of your story, you get to reframe those self-sabotaging stories so that you can control your narrative and tell new stories that connect people to you and communicate your value, your expertise, your leadership, and your brand promise.
Three Influence Hacks for Controlling Your Brand Narrative
Brain-science strategies for communicating your value and driving home the story of YOU.
The Power of Personal Story in Moments of Challenge, Conflict, and Change
The best endorphin-creating, connection-building, trust-generating story is one that is truly told and comes from our own lived experience.
Why Storytellers Get Better Career Results
Whether you’re interviewing for a new role, or leaning into a promotion—stories induce the listener to feel something, and to make a decision about you with their heads and their hearts.
My Dark and Stormy #MeToo Night
With no disrespect to the Dalai Lama, we don’t need dudes to tell us this is The Century of the Woman. In this #MeToo era, we’re living it. Forward. Backwards. Upside down. Inside out. The lived experiences of women in every corner of the planet are a mouse click away, and even where there is no mouse click available, our stories are being told and formed into positive action and change.