Reads, Rants, and News
10 Critical Moments You Need a Story to Do the Heavy Lifting in Your Career
As the author of your story, you get to reframe those self-sabotaging stories so that you can control your narrative and tell new stories that connect people to you and communicate your value, your expertise, your leadership, and your brand promise.
7 Reasons Why You Need to Control Your Career Narrative and Get Your Stories Down
If you have a “what’s in it for them” approach to answering questions like, “why do you want this job?” or “why do you think you’re a right fit for this project?” you aren’t bragging, you’re solving a problem.
Why Storytellers Get Better Career Results
Whether you’re interviewing for a new role, or leaning into a promotion—stories induce the listener to feel something, and to make a decision about you with their heads and their hearts.