Reads, Rants, and News
She's Not a Bitch, She's You On Your Best Day
You know her all too well. She's the one that will do anything to forward her agenda and get ahead. She's a powerhouse. And you avoid her at all costs.
The Double Bind of Being Angry While Female
“You need to dial it back a little. People can’t keep up with you. You’re coming across as demanding and aggressive. Are you angry about something?”
How to Interview Well So You Don't Get Lowballed
Unless you come with credentials that walk in the door before you do, it’s rarely advised that candidates--in any industry--use first-round interviews to make demands or express deal breaker constraints.
How to Demonstrate Leadership During Interviews ala #MeToo
Show your potential employer that your eyes are wide open with these two #MeToo job interview questions.
Don't Let Implicit Bias Bully You Into Silence
On Twitter last week an acquaintance asked, “What's the point of women become better communicators, stronger negotiators if [these micro-inequities] are still bullying us silent?”
Up, Sideways or Out: Slow Down to Speed Up Your Career Change
High performing clients at Story Happens Here come in the door wanting to make a change: Up, Sideways or Out.
The Single Most Disruptive Leadership Practice for Women
"You Go" -- name the elephant -- the single most important leadership practice for women.
Disrupt Career Stagnation by Using the Tension of Opposites
Time to ask, “What’s driving me, and what’s thwarting me?
How to Go in Deep to Avoid Making a Dilbert Career Move
The solution to avoiding a Dilbert is hitting the pause button long enough to do an inventory on your core career values before you engage in a new job search.