Reads, Rants, and News
The Story of You in 2020
“So how did you end up at XYZ company?” and you make your way through that story. And then she asks you, “What experiences in life built you into the human being you are today?”
Ack, the Dreaded "Tell Me About Yourself" Question
How to Nail the Staple Interview Question in Five Steps.
My Dark and Stormy #MeToo Night
With no disrespect to the Dalai Lama, we don’t need dudes to tell us this is The Century of the Woman. In this #MeToo era, we’re living it. Forward. Backwards. Upside down. Inside out. The lived experiences of women in every corner of the planet are a mouse click away, and even where there is no mouse click available, our stories are being told and formed into positive action and change.